Score: 220

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Question Answer Description Datasource and Evidence Comment
# of people living in backyards Strong Evidence

By multiplying the number of households with the city's average household size according to census 2011 data, we get a sense of how many people live inbackyarder shacks.

"# HH * household size (2011) 347 410
# HH living in backyards Strong Evidence

The number of households residing in backyarder shacks across the entire city.

IDP/ BEPP 2016/17 review 124 075
% of municipal population Strong Evidence

This figure represents the proportion of the city's population living in backyarder shacks. In other words, a bit less than one in ten people live in an informal settlement.

Census 2011 9%
Does the council have an official backyarder upgrading strategy? No Evidence

Every city with a significant proportion (more than 5% of total city population) of backyarders should have a strategy to improve the living conditions of people living in backyarder shacks articulated in their core municipal doucmentation.

IDP/ BEPP 2018/19 review No mention of a strategy
% of Provincial total Strong Evidence

This figure indicates that 47% of backyard shacks in the Eastern Cape Province is located in East London.

IDP/ BEPP 2016/17 review 41%
Has a department been assigned to take responsibility for the strategy? No Evidence

A leading department needs to take responsibility for the strategy.

IDP/ BEPP 2018/19 review No mention of a strategy
2001 - 2011 Backyarder Growth Rate Strong Evidence

The growth rate of households living in backyarder shacks is calculated by comparing census 2001 and 2011 data.

Census 2011 5%
What services are provided to backyarder shacks? Partial Evidence

Every strategy should be clearly state, without ambiguity and uncertainty, what the city's strategy of improving backyard shacks is. In this way, citizens can hold their governments to account.

IDP/ BEPP 2016/17 review Support of backyarding expressed but not strategy is mentioned

Meta data

Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   Unknown
Reviewer   Isandla Institute
Submitters   Isandla Institute
Last modified   Fri Oct 26 2018 10:21:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)