All answers

Question Answer Description Datasource and Evidence Comment
Is there an indication that priority informal settlement upgrading projects are located in the city's urban network strategy? Strong Evidence

It is important that informal settlements benefit from the renewed focus on infrastucture expenditure in the urban network.

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review 11 Settlements have been identified in the TOD Corridor: Rugby Club, Heavenly Valley, Bottom Compound, Mighty Hardware, Matholesville, Ebumnandini, Slovo Park, Princess Plots, Zandspruit, St Marrys, Lilly Bioscope
Has a department / service provider been identified to take responsibility of the strategy? No Evidence

Institutional capacity is needed to manage the land strategy.

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review No strategy mentioned
Have risks of land invasions been identified? Partial Evidence

Even though the city government might have a land strategy, it might not benefit informal settlement residents.

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review High risk identified. Establishment of a Rapid Land Invasion Unit highlighted as a priority.
Does the city council have a land release strategy in place? Or is there a strategy being compiled? Strong Evidence

An overarching strategy for land acquisition and release for housing and informal settlements indicates forward planning.

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review The Johannesburg Property Company's City of Johannesburg Land Strategy
What are the components of the land release strategy? Strong Evidence

Each city should indicate what measures it is taking towards realising the land strategy.

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review This "Land Strategy for the Transit Orientated Development Corridors (ToD)" stipulates that on the willing buyer/willing seller principle the land acquired must be packaged before the land is to be released on public tender.The strategy deals with land acquisition for a range of uses, including social and affordable housing in the Corridor.
What is the nature of the land strategy with regards to informal settlement upgrading? No Evidence

Is the land strategy reventative or enabling in nature?

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review No strategy mentioned
Is there evidence that the majority of priority informal settlement upgrading projects are located in the urban network? Partial Evidence

The extent to which prioritised projects are included in the urban network.

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review Some informal settlements are located within the urban network
Is there a clear indication that the city government has adopted a land strategy with regards to informal settlements? No Evidence

Even though the city government might have a land strategy, it might not benefit informal settlement residents.

IDP/ BEPP 2019/20 review The main intention of the strategy is to ensure the development of mixed income housing, with a specific focus on affordable housing. No mention of land release for informal settlements

Meta data

Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   Unknown
Reviewer   Isandla Institute
Submitters   Isandla Institute
Last modified   Tue Jul 21 2020 19:20:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)