The Data Index presents our analysis of eight cities’ strategies and plans to improve informal settlements and backyards.

Progress to MTEF Targets

The NUSP and HDA both provide technical assistance to local and provincial governments in undertaking planning with communities with regards to informal settlement upgrading. This is often done through capacity building programmes for relevant government officials and project development for more integrated planning approach.

  • Integration of NUSP/HDA technical support in ISU strategy
  • MTEF Upgrading Target
  • Likelihood of reaching MTEF targets
Evidence of
Partial evidence of
No evidence of

Viewing results for: 2017/2018

2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
bcm cct emm CoJ tsh eth mmm nmb
# of sites delivered annually
% of target reached in 2016/17
Are the specific settlements identified?
Likely to reach the target?
Is there an indication that NUSP (Department of Human Settlements) technical support to the city have been incorporated into planning?
MSTF annual target
Are projects prioritised according to NUSP technical support?
Does the strategy mention national government / MSTF targets towards 2019?