Score: 260

All answers

Question Answer Description Datasource and Evidence Comment
# of sites delivered annually Partial Evidence

What is the actual number of serviced sites provided?

National Treasury evaluation, 2016 4811
MSTF annual target Strong Evidence

What is the annual target to deliver serviced sites?

National Treasury evaluation, 2016 2,496 households per annum
Are projects prioritised according to NUSP technical support? Strong Evidence

There is a high likelihood that NUSP technical support to prioritised projects resulted in more detailed planning, and needs to be incorporated.

BEPP 2019/2020 review 5 settlements prioritised for upgrading
Does the strategy mention national government / MSTF targets towards 2019? Strong Evidence

In 2015 the National Department of Human Settlements committed to upgrade 750,000 informal settlement households. Does the city take these targets into account?

BEPP 2019/2020 review Yes, prioritised settlements are progressing towards this target
% of target reached in 2016/17 Partial Evidence

What is the percentage of actual vs. target sites delivered?

IDP/BEPP 2019/2020 review Of the 14 informal settlements prioritised in 2017/2018, four (4) are in the construction phase with contractors appointed and on site to install water and sewer; one (1) settlement is at practical completion stage; three (3) are at procurement stage for the appointment of Contractor; and six (6) are in the design phase.
Are the specific settlements identified? Strong Evidence

Identifying prioritised settlements indicates the city government is making progress.

BEPP 2019/2020 review Kgotsong & Caleb Motshabi; MK Square & Sibuyile;Botshabelo West; Grasslands Phase 4 (Khayelitsha); Bloemside Phase 4 (Sonderwater)
Likely to reach the target? Partial Evidence

Is the city government likely to reach its target by 2019 based on annual delivery rate?

IDP/BEPP 2019/2020 review, qualitative assessment
Is there an indication that NUSP (Department of Human Settlements) technical support to the city have been incorporated into planning? Strong Evidence

NUSP/HDA technical support was provided to all cities (and many other municipalities).

IDP/BEPP 2019/2020 review Informal Settlement Upgrading Strategy (ISUS) developed with support from the HDA and NUSP

Meta data

Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   Unknown
Reviewer   Isandla Institute
Submitters   Isandla Institute
Last modified   Mon Jul 13 2020 15:04:54 GMT+0000 (UTC)